Friday, February 6, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!

It is already the end of the first week of February of the new year. Gang, I am not sure WHERE the heck the time has gone, but I know I have spent most of it at my job! It is unbelievable the amount of claims that are being sent in to be processed right now. It started with Monday and 3,000 claims being received and has not let up since then. We are about a day behind schedule and everyone has been asked to work 4 hours overtime this weekend - not mandatory mind you, but if not enough people do it, that will be next. I already feel like I live there and when I get home, I am just too wiped to do much of anything.

I saw an old friend this week, my doctor before I moved to KC. She moved into a new business with 3 other women doctor's and were accepting new patients. Since I had been shopping around for a primary care physician since my return from KC, this was just opportunity knocking! How sad is it that getting a primary care doctor makes me happy? Very sad - but when you are 58, that's what you live for, a good doctor!

It is time to go get my boobs squeezed again as it has been 4 years come April (now you know why it was good to get a primary care doctor!). I am so not looking forward to it and will be glad to get it over with. An evil part of life, one I will live through. One of the ladies at work had her boobs squeezed last week and they found a shadow on the x-ray. She is a worrier, which makes this a bad time until she sees her doctor next week. The shadow could be anything, but she goes for the worse. Not certain how I would react if it was happening to me, so I just try to be supportive.

I can see that the sun is coming up later and still in the horizon as I drive home from work before dark. Spring is not far away when it is 6:30 at night and I still see stripes of orange, pink and blue in the sky! What a beautiful sight! God really has magnificant colors doesn't he? Crayolas just don't come close!

I made a big pot of ham and beans earlier this week - it was nasty. I took them to work and the next thing I know, I hear one of them tell me that the beans were crunchy - UGH!!! They are in the fridge, but I am going to pitch them this weekend (been too tired to do it since). I hate the waste, trust me, but they won't get eaten. It will be a while before I try to make another pot, I tell left a really bad taste in my mouth. Some of the people at work had more than one bowl and others were throwing the first one away, I was one of them!

I helped my sister do taxes via phone last night...what a nightmare. This was the first time she did them on line. She did it last week and did just fine, except she put the incorrect routing number to her bank in the blanks. This was caught as the numbers must be 9 digits and I guess she didn't have that many. Anyway, she spent 4 hours or more trying to 'resubmit' online. I hate to tell her but I think she is going to have to mail it in and mark it revised. I don't think she is going to be able to resubmit or correct online. I have not had any problems with my taxes, in fact my funds are suppose to be here this weekend. It is hard when I do an EZ form and she doesn't, hell my form has 20 lines max and hers has 70 or more I think!

My brother wrote yesterday and asked if I would like a girls weekend. I would love a girls weekend but I have to work 4 hours sometime on Saturday or Sunday. I was so busy yesterday, I didn't get time to write him back. I am sure that he is looking ahead to next weekend, Valentine's weekend so maybe by then, we will be caught up at work and I can have a girls weekend! I miss seeing them! Ginny is growing up so fast now and Katie is getting older and it shows. All three of them are beautiful girls. Becca may not be coming as she is old enough to have a social life :) Guess I will find out today!

Got up early and now it is my regular time to get ready for work. I am tired, tired, tired. I have a feeling that tomorrow is not going to be my four hours at work!