Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Well, it happened. After almost five months of trying to go back to school, it is a done deal. I start classes on the 23rd of this month. Now that I am finally here, I think I am scared spitless! What the heck was I thinking? Okay, one class at a time. I can do it! The scary stuff is all the things that they are sending me since yesterday. I have to do this, I have to do that, oh and don't forget this and that too. Breathing slowly now, innnnn and outtttt, innnnn and outtttt, innnnn and outtttt.

Okay, I CAN do this, I know I can. I just am feeling a little ovewhelmed and need to sort through all this material. This too shall pass :)

One day at a time, folks - that I can handle!

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