Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Tired of working, tired of feeling like crud, tired of being lied to, tired, tired, tired!!!

Last week was an eye opening event for me. Having to work 6 hours mandatory overtime isn't a problem, but it is if there is a holiday in that work week and my hours won't be overtime rate. That is just pissy on the part of the company in my opinion. It is one thing to ask for volunteers and another to make it mandatory. But yet, management is not working overtime....this BURNS my ASS!! You NEVER ask your employees to do something that you are not willing to do yourself. Basic 101 business. Truth of the matter, would management done anything to help with the problem or just BE THERE? Give you one guess.

I have been sick since before Christmas and I think I am getting better, then more symptoms start appearing. Just called the doctor and my doctor is out this week. Okay, let me see one of the other doctors then. No, in order to see one of the other three doctors in this practice, the doctor has to give approval - WHAT? Are you for real? I think it is time for me to find another doctor. I have been feeling this way since last year and I believe this has just made the final decision. Problem is I hate looking for a new doctor when I am smacks of desperation. Maybe I can try to continue for a few more days and doctor this myself.

I am too tired to continue - I want to go back to sleep but need to get ready for work. I am tired, did I mention that?

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