Monday, October 6, 2008

Can you feel it?

Well my favorite time of the year is here, fall. I love to see the trees change colors. It is cool enough to suit my erratic inner thermostat and warm enough I can still wear shorts! I know people think I am weird since I wear shorts from as early as March through to November sometimes. I don't care, as long as I am comfortable. That isn't to say that I don't have a coat or jacket in the car with me or wear one in the early morning hours; just that for the bulk of the day, I do wear shorts and short sleeve shirts. Drives some of my friends crazy!

Things get hectic at work during this time, but at least it is a job. I have enough to worry about with paying the bills that I don't need to worry about whether I might lose my job or not. I guess anything is possible, look at FBD. The funny thing about FBD, the company that bought them out did so for the clientele. Only they ended up losing about 95% or more of these clients as no one wanted to associate or go for the ride with the new administrator. I found that to be the ironic thing - all those jobs that were gone and for what?

I do miss living in the city...and have actually been looking online at jobs in KC every now and then. I think that is history as it may not be the right time for a career move with all the turmoil of the economy. I like living here, I like my boss and right now I like my job. I love being with my friends and seeing the babies grow. I really am not sure why I want to live in the city, but then my thought process has never consistent. Some would volunteer to confirm that, I am sure.

Going to do some work at home tonight, again. I look forward to the day when I can go home and truely relax. Even now, if I do go home and don't work, I am not relaxed as I know that I have things to do and it sits heavy on my mind. UGH!!

Celine Dion concert tickets...anyone have any that they would like to give away or sell cheap? I asked both Laura and Becky if they would like to go and neither one seemed so inclined. I do know that it is because of the price of her tickets...almost $100 not counting parking, food, or memorbilia, which would be a MUST for me! Becky has said that she would go, if I couldn't find anyone else, but I can't just ask anyone to pay out that money unless they really wanted to go.

Moving on and letting it go...maybe!

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