Friday, October 31, 2008


It is the last day of October and not only Halloween, but my dad's 75th birthday today. He and my mom both just don't act their age. They are constantly doing this and that, going here and there, and NEVER at home! I think that is great. I remember my grandparents at that age and they didn't have half the energy my parents do. It is all in the mind and very much shows that how a person feels as well as their state of mind makes a difference. This would be true whether it regards your health, your family or your age.

The leaves are changing, my favorite time of the year. The mornings are crisp and clean; the days are bearable even if I am outside; and the evenings are cool that I don't have to run the a/c or the heat. Love it! Love it! Love it!

Then I realize that another year is about to pass me by. I look back over the months of this year and realize that I was very lucky in a lot of things. While Ashley moved to the Wild West of Washington (now Oregon), I worked with her the first part of the year and got to see her almost daily with the weekends included. I miss her a lot. I tell her this, but try not to emphasize how much I miss her because I know that she is still getting homesick. But the truth is, I REALLY miss her smiles, her laugh, her absentminded talks while she is texting, watching movies together, baking cookies so that she can lick the beaters, bowl and spoon, her smiles, going to garage sales, going to Wal-Mart and looking at the clearance items, her laundry all over my kitchen floor, her laugh, and most of all, her ability to see things that I miss in people, events and everything. I know she probably thinks I miss her ears the most, but I haven't thought about it until just now.

I realize that I have seen Eric twice this year when usually, we get to see him one time only. Granted the first time it was due to his mom being in the hospital, but every thing turned out well and he spent the fourth of July with his family. Big event for us! I just saw him last weekend as he is home on leave. He has grown so much! Not talking about his body, but his mind, actions and mannerism.

I realize that I have a really great family! We have our faults, but who doesn't. We don't always get along, we don't always agree, and we don't always say the things that might be on our mind. In my case, I pretty much say what is on my mind to some and not to others. Depends on the person and the situation. Most of the time, people know where I stand.

I am getting older, every minute of every day. Some days I feel my age and others, it is a toss up to guess if I am 56 years old or just feel like I am! (I tell people that I am older than I really am - that way I am assured that people think I really look good for my age! Hey - it works for me! Don't knock it!) The older I get, the faster time races by. Not enough hours in the day to do what I need or want to do anymore. Too bad retirement doesn't get here, I will wish that I wasn't retired when it does arrive.

My parents are moving, again. I think this will be there 19th or 20th move, I have lost count. It is easy to do when I am not moving with them. I guess I shouldn't talk as I have moved a lot of times as well. My friends say it is the Ashford name and moving is the game. To make matters worse, the move is temporary so they will move again. I am not for sure if the temporary moves count or not really. The last house was suppose to be the final place. The house ended up being bigger than they needed or wanted. In addition, my mom fell this past winter and as a result hurt her knee. Surgery this past summer took care of that, but I think they realized that down the road, they needed less space. They will be perfectly happy with smaller space until the family comes to visit...we will see.

I think about my grandparents a lot lately. I always miss them, but certain times more than others. I was so lucky to have them for as long as I did. They were wonderful people who certainly loved their grandchildren. My mom's parents were more invovled since she was an only child. Harder to split your time among multiple children and their offspring...sometimes!

Looking back, this past year has held a lot of changes, good things, not so good things and lots of family time. I absolutely love that my parents are not going to Texas for the winter any more, but if that is what makes them happy, I want them to do it. It is their golden years, not mine. I am happy purely for selfish reasons, can you blame me?

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