Thursday, October 2, 2008

Starting Out

My friend Marcy has inspired me to join the world of blogging. My thought - there can't be any wrong way to write what is on my mind. It is my mind, my thoughts, my opinions, and it is allowed! Speaking of writing, some think that is what I do best as I have a tendency to write, and write, and write, and write. My friend Laura has said more than once that I should write a book. I don't know. I write emails all day at work so this may be a short flash in the pan!

My days and thoughts are consumed by what is taking place around me at the time. Lately, that is spending time with Ascanio, Tanya's son, who just turned 7 weeks old today. He is so cute that I just can't help but tell him this frequently! He is a good natured baby, unless he is hungry or fighting sleep (mainly if he doesn't get to sleep when he should). Tanya goes back to work the 13th, so she is spending as much time as possible getting him on a schedule.

Yesterday, due to work that is being done on her street, Tanya's electricity got disconnected. I happened to be taking lunch (to run to Wal-Mart) and got her message about the lack of energy flowing around her house. So I ran to her house, picked her and the baby up, took them to my house, dropped them off, ran to Wal-Mart, and went back to work. Yes, I took a long lunch, but you know what? I didn't care. I had been up since 4 a.m., did some work for 2 hours, was at work an hour early and just didn't care if I took extra time for lunch. Anyway, I got back to the office when Tanya calls me. She was laughing as I answered the phone. She said that she had just settled down with Ascanio and MY electricity went out! Are you kidding me?, was her thought. As I answered the phone though, my electricity came back on. Big difference between being off 3 or 4 minutes versus being off for hours.

Today, Tanya sends me an email at work that she has had no sewer since early morning. She, Raphiell and Ascanio had gone to his mom's for a shower thinking that maybe sometime in the afternoon, this would be fixed. Oh no, it could NOT be that easy! She asked if I could come pick her up after work so that she could use my bathroom. So I left work an hour early. Before you think anything, you need to know that I had NOT taken a lunch break so I only left 30 minutes early overall!

Anyway, as I drove down her street behind a dump truck full of gravel, I worried that a rock would fly back and hit my windshield, shattering the glass. I didn't have to worry about that. He stopped right at the end of her street and sat. I went around him and drove up to the drive-way, dodging orange barrels, orange cones, big hoses, bulldozers, trucks with trailers attached, other vehicles, honestly? Those are just the things I DID notice. I grabbed the baby and put him in the car. As I looked up, that dump truck full of gravel had backed up to the hole to the side of her drive way and was unloading all this gravel next to the hole. Okay, now I am worried. I very calmly (yes, I WAS calm) walked out to the street where one of the many gentlemen working around there met me. He assured me that the truck would be leaving soon. Okay, but how do I get out? The would move one of their vehicles parked along the edge. Great - now all I had to do was back up about 30-40 feet, go around their cones, barrels, equipments, the people, the holes and not hit anything or anyone while backing up all this time. Hey! I can do it - for Pete's sake, I used to drive a school bus and had to back that sucker up a lot! We managed to get out of their untouched - whew!

Off to my house I went. I wanted to go to Wal-Mart, only the another one. Tanya and I had combined our pictures of Ascanio on a CD. The story on this is I went to Wal-Mart yesterday (remember?) and of course! They are redoing the photo department and the one hour was not available. But the KODAK machine was instant, so the guy talked me into paying the extra price and get it done already. However, due to all the running around I had already done, Murphy's law was working very well in that the machine was not cooperating. It wouldn't read all the pictures on the picture cards. I couldn't get passed just dumping the pictures off the cards to create the CD, so I left. Anyway, after work yesterday I did run to Walgreens and for $1.50 extra (it sticks in my throat), I got a CD and index of our pictures. The goal was to get a copy for me, Tanya and Tita. So TODAY, the job was to take the Walgreen's CD to Wal-Mart and make two copies. While we were there, we got Ascanio some warmer clothes as the weather is starting to cool down. We managed to get the picture job done! YEAH!

After dropping Tanya and Ascanio off at my house, I left to go to water aerobic class. I have been doing this twice a week with Tanya since before Ascanio was born. We both enjoyed it and her doctor said low impact exercise would be good for her and the baby. My neighbor next door has joined the class too, so now that Tanya can't do water aerobic, I still have someone to keep me on my toes about attending. I miss Tanya though; we always had a good time. One thing the class has done for me is keeping me from hunching over so much. Being top heavy has many disadvantages and the tendency to lean forward, happens a lot. Having a desk job just enforces this position. It is a thought process though, but I think I am getting the hang of it.

I miss seeing Ashley (her smile lights up her face!). I need a hug Ashey! I miss Eric's deep voice even if I have trouble understanding him(why hasn't he called me back?). I miss making Kaycie laugh (she tries so hard not to laugh though!). I miss seeing Miss Ginny daily changes (I hear a lot about her escapes and funny stories!). I miss how out of the blue Katie will come up to me and give me a hug (what a warm feeling that is). I miss how when Becca talks, she plays with her hair (I haven't figured out if this is nerves or just habit). I miss my grandparents (they were such a blessing to my life!). I miss seeing Elayna (it's been forever! even though I have talked to her by phone). I SO miss by baby, Amber. Man, some days just seem longer than others when I think about her.

I enjoy Marcy's blog talking about her boys, the things they say and do, as well as how life is seen through their eyes. I love the cool days, we are having! I love the changing of the leaves - it is so beautiful. I felt blessed as I drove to work today. I hate sitting at my desk for 8 hours (or more) straight. I feel so old when I go to get up anymore (oh wait! I am old - 56 now you know!!) I loved being surprised by my parents coming to town earlier this week. I love talking to Laura on the phone or better yet, in person. I hate that I really am getting older (even if I really am not 56 yet!). I hate that I haven't had time to read a book in a very, very long time. I love that I will meet with 'the girls' next week. I guess that I l-i-k-e (I don't want to say it any other way) water aerobic class, but have to say that the instructor, Celine, makes it worth while. I hate the way my skin smells like chlorine after class (even after taking a shower, I can smell it - UGH!)

Okay, I really should not of had that tea so late in the day. It is almost one a.m. and I really need to get some sleep. I have LOTS more I could say, but guess I will save that for another day. I just KNOW that I will get flack about the length of my first blog. Oh well, it would not be my life if I didn't get some flack from someone!

Did you see that Vice Presidential debate tonight - OMG! That is a blog for another day.

Is there a limit on how much you can say? Is there a time restriction on how long a person can sit and type OR sit and read? Jackson, I wasn't talking to you! Marcy, thanks for showing me how to blog. Laura is loving you for sure!

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